Welcome to the Eaglefalconer Photo Album index page, below is a list of the chapter pages , click on the link or the image to be taken to the chapter of your choice. You can navigate through the images by using the forward of back button at the base of each page. Return to the main chapter page by using the link at the top of every photopage. |
My Trained Eagles.
Many images of the eagles I have owned or still own. |
My Trained Goshawks .
My love of goshawks has stayed with me, from my first successful hunting male, the gos will always stay as my number one hunting hawk. |
Munsterlander Hawk Dog.
One dog changed my whole prospective of hawking for the better. |
Falconry adventures in Kyrgyzstan.
The original land of my dreams. At long last I was to ride and hunt with the Kyrgyz eaglehunters. |
Falconry adventures in Western Mongolia.
At long last the opportunity to fulfil a lifelong dream and hunt with the Kazakh eaglehunters. |
Falconry adventures to Idaho, USA.
My purpose to travel to America was to meet and talk with Morlan Nelson one of the greatest eaglefalconers in the world.
During three visits I also met many other great falconers. |
Falconry in China.
Explore with me this great mysterious land as I look for the remaining falconers from possibly the birthplace of falconry.
This is an extensive gallery as I have returned to China many times and this is probably the largest collection of falconry photographs of Chinese falconry in the West.
Searching for Falconers in China.
My quest to find the few falconers left in China
amongst a population of 1.3 billion.
Chinese peasant farmers hunt hares.
With a TuHu or saker falcon.
Chinese falconers hunt with Goshawks
In the south after pheasants, and in the central mountains
after hill hares.
Flying Sparrow Hawks and fishing.
In the city after magpies and sparrows.
Fishing Chinese style.
Manchu Falconry.
This is the only area I have not as yet visited but these images
have been sent to me by Manchian falconers.